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A New Author Joins an Accomplished Author Team. New co-author, Sean B. Carroll is an Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, where he also teaches courses in genetics and evolutionary biology. Carroll is an acknowledged leader in the field of evolutionary developmental biology. His work, Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo was an L.A. Times Book Award finalist.New Emphasis on Answering Biological Questions Using Genetic Analysis New examples show how identifying genes and their interactions is a powerful took for understanding biological properties. In both the early transmission chapters and the later molecular chapters, the text demonstrates how genetic analysis provides a systematic approach to the study of all of biology. In the transmission chapters (2-6)--Chapters 2-6 have been revised to emphasize how genetic analysis is a remarkable tool for answering biological questions. The chapters show, using new examples, how a gene is traditionally identified, how it is mapped, and how its interactions with other genes are explored. From this information, scientists are able to construct the biological pathways (metabolic, developmental, repair, signal transduction, etc.) that are the basis of much of biology. In the core molecular chapters (7-15)--Modern experiments. Building on the text's traditional focus on classical experiments, these chapters now present the evidence and reasoning that led to some of the recent landmark advances, including the discovery of RNAi, the development of a new model of meiotic recombination, advances in our understanding of eukaryotic gene regulation, and others.--New emphasis on how genetics is practiced today. A new feature called 'What Geneticists Are Doing Today' suggests how genetic techniques are being used today to answer specific biological questions, such as 'what is the link between telomere shortening and aging?' or 'how can we find missing components in a specific biological pathway?



(中央社台北4日電)中國大陸一份報告顯示民眾的「泡麵依賴」有多深。31%的出國旅遊者會攜帶泡麵(速食麵),58%會在旅遊目的地購買泡麵。帶泡麵出國旅行,有半數是因為吃不慣外地伙食。 京華時報報導,理財平台挖財與阿里旅行日前聯合發布的一份報告顯示,大陸人出國旅遊的行程平均是5天左右,50%攜帶泡麵出國的遊客,行李箱要裝3到5包泡麵,相當於一天一包。 70後(1970年代出生者)在旅途中買泡麵的比例高達66.1%。以收入來看,月收入在人民幣5000至1萬元的人旅行時買泡麵的比例最高,為61%。月收入在1.5萬至2萬元的人則最少買泡麵,占38%。 報告顯示,51%攜帶泡麵出國旅遊的人是因為吃不慣旅行當地的伙食,其他原因還包括節省旅遊就餐時間、節省旅遊消費等。此外,更有5%的人因為「有家的味道」而選擇攜帶泡麵出遊。 報導指出,中國人每年要吃掉400多億包泡麵,相當於世界總消費量的一半。1051004


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(中央社台北4日電)中國大陸一份報告顯示民眾的「泡麵依賴」有多深。31%的出國旅遊者會攜帶泡麵(速食麵),58%會在旅遊目的地購買泡麵。帶泡麵出國旅行,有半數是因為吃不慣外地伙食。 京華時報報導,理財平台挖財與阿里旅行日前聯合發布的一份報告顯示,大陸人出國旅遊的行程平均是5天左右,50%攜帶泡麵出國的遊客,行李箱要裝3到5包泡麵,相當於一天一包。 70後(1970年代出生者)在旅途中買泡麵的比例高達66.1%。以收入來看,月收入在人民幣5000至1萬元的人旅行時買泡麵的比例最高,為61%。月收入在1.5萬至2萬元的人則最少買泡麵,占38%。 報告顯示,51%攜帶泡麵出國旅遊的人是因為吃不慣旅行當地的伙食,其他原因還包括節省旅遊就餐時間、節省旅遊消費等。此外,更有5%的人因為「有家的味道」而選擇攜帶泡麵出遊。 報導指出,中國人每年要吃掉400多億包泡麵,相當於世界總消費量的一半。1051004

Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 9-e 書評簡介

Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 9-e 書籍大綱介紹

Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 9-e 閱讀讀書心得

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Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 9-e 二手書價格

Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 9-e 作者推薦序與書籍目錄

Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 9-e 閱讀的CP值高

Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 9-e 哪裡買的價格比較便宜


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